Eggs come in different varieties and may be 2km/2hour, 5km/5hour, 10km/10hour or Golden Eggs. Each type of Egg has an allocated set of Creatures that can be hatched and some Creatures can be hatched from more than one Egg type. There are currently five Creatures that cannot (you will be pleased to hear) be hatched from Eggs – they are: Rookie, SunTzi, Potty, Berrydillo and Frogus. Every other Creature in the game can be hatched from at least one Egg type. Km Eggs simply have to be placed in a Cocoon and you then have to walk the stipulated distance for the Egg to hatch. Hour Eggs (otherwise known as Ancient Eggs) must be left with a Mother of Dragons (found in some, but not all Rifts of Arcana) for the specified period of time. Golden Eggs can only be obtained by successfully taking part in a Golden Egg Hunt and will hatch immediately if found.
Golden Egg
According to the Elyland website the following applies:- Probability of 3% for each creature: Kingpeat, Leviathan, Morgoroth, Keeper, Smoargh and Scylla.
- Probability of about 2.5% any remaining kind of the strongest creatures (about 15 kinds).
- Probability of about 2.5% any kind of creature from tier 3, which give soulstones you need for the strongest creatures.
- Probability of about 2% any remaining kind of creature from tier 3 (they are marked with a red background in the Bestiary).
- Kingpeat, Leviathon, Morgoroth, Keeper, Smoargh, Scylla (6 total).
- Neptune, Armorank, Manticore, Charybdis, Dragotaurus, Centoleon, Curly, Picaroon, Bajun, Rosebud, Yeti, Arimask, Frostmaiden, Craus, Grendel (15 total).
- Megataurus, Wooly, Sharptail, Furglide, Ahathul, Tigermant, Flibustus, Pillowcat, Inur (9 total)
- Gryphon, Salute, Boogeyman, Yogi, Ronolph, Chimero, Stormdine, Hydra, Crystallhat, Hippofly, Tempter, Melhor, Leprechaun, Basilisk (14 total).
Group 1 - 18% (Elyland) 14% (unweighted)
Group 2 - 35% (Elyland) 34% (unweighted)
Group 3 - 20% (Elyland) 20% (unweighted)
Group 4 - 27% (Elyland) 32% (unweighted)
We have included the unweighted Probability also to show how Elyland have biased the hatch probability in favour of the ‘BEST’ Creatures from Golden Eggs.
The above is an estimate only but does indicate the type of distribution of Creatures available from the Golden Eggs.
10KM or 10 Hour Egg
According to the Elyland website the following applies:- Probability of about 0.3% any kind of the strongest creatures (about 20 kinds, excluding Kingpeat).
- Probability of about 1.2% any kind of junior forms of the strongest creatures (they give soulstones for the kinds from the previous group).
- Probability of about 1% any remaining kind of creature from tier 2 or tier 3 (they are marked with a blue or a red background in the Bestiary).
- Leviathon, Neptune, Morgoroth, Keeper, Armorank, Manticore, Scylla, Charybdis, Smoargh, Dragotaurus, Centoleon, Curly, Picaroon, Bajun, Rosebud, Yeti, Arimasp, Frostmaiden, Craus, Grendel (20 total).
- Megataurus, Wooly, Sharptail, Furglide, Ahathul, Tigermant, Flibustus, Pillowcat, Inur, Santus, Snowflake, Softail, Twiat, Needlehot, Cheshir, Teenotaur, Tonnir, Gathos, Glidy, Frigan, Snailyn, Disguir, Minitaur, Rosie, Cuticat, Magglad (28 total).
- Gryphon, Salute, Boogeyman, Yogi, Ronolph, Chimero, Stormdine, Hydra, Crystallhat, Hippofly, Tempter, Melhor, Leprechaun, Basilisk, Puerogryph, Blaze, Absolerm, Mantari, Crysbee, Lapin, Dracool, Ghostus, Caesar, Dadachum, Gob, Harpy, Firefly, Underaquian, Naga, Parabeast, Earthborn, Tentahat, Mushtopia, Ironguy, Lasvador, Twigo, Snowcrag, Falhor, Gardrag, Gremler, Clawbloom, Chappian, Dwantflow, Clurichaun, Dodosaur, Puerolisk, Phantomo, Phoenix, Dao, Aerycorn, Daemonstar, Advise, Batoid, Hopbear, Drout, Hellpiep, Princie, Undine, Kiddra, Vampiro, Dadachock, Brag, Harecloud, Lagart, Kobold, Infird, Spark, Phylo, Mediaquian, Genie (70 total).
Group 1 - 5% (Elyland), 17% (unweighted)
Group 2 - 30% (Elyland), 24% (unweighted)
Group 3 - 65% (Elyland), 59% (unweighted)
We have included the unweighted Probability also to show how Elyland have biased the hatch probability in favour of the ‘WORST’ Creatures from 10km/10hour Eggs.
The above is an estimate only but does indicate the type of distribution of Creatures available from the 10km/10hour Eggs.
5KM or 5 Hour Egg
According to the Elyland website the following applies:Probability of about 0.8% any kind of creature from tier 1 or tier 2 (they are marked with a green or a blue background in the Bestiary).
A 5km/5hour Egg can hatch anything that is indicated as green or blue in the Bestiary.
2KM or 2 Hour Egg
According to the Elyland website the following applies:Probability of about 1.6%, any kind of creature from tier 1 (they are marked with a green background in the Bestiary).
Basically, a 2km/2hour Egg can hatch anything that is indicated as green in the Bestiary.