
Type Effectiveness

Type Effectiveness

Each Element posseses advantages over others when a Creature is battling.
The Pentangle shows the Elemental advantages (you will these as 'strong hits') and disadvantages ('weak hits') when you go into battle.
The outer arrows show the Elemental advantages and the inner arrows indicate the weaknesses battling other Elementals.
As an example, Arcana Creatures have an advantage over Wind elements, and conversely, they are weak against Fire Creatures.
The Pentangle of Power gives you a quick guide for which Creatures to use when you battle against Wild Encounters or in the Duel of Wizards.
The Elemental advantage may be as much as 30% in terms of damage done during an attack so don't ignore the type casting.

Primary Element Deals More Damage To Deals Less Damage To Takes More Damage From Takes Less Damage From
Earth Arcana Water Fire Air
Fire Earth Air Water Arcana
Water Fire Arcana Air Earth
Air Water Earth Arcana Fire
Arcana Air Fire Earth Water