
At last we have a Ranking system or Leaderboard - here's what we know so far:
There are two main Ranking categories: Wizards and Collectors.
Within each category there are two listings: Global and Local.
"Local" appears to be based on a set number of players, of increasing distance from your current location. So if you are travelling around you will notice the Local Ranking list change. The Local Ranking (based on numerous observations) is NOT based on fixed geographic regions.


You will see three lists on the Wizard Rankings screen the first of which is the Wizard Ranking Score; all we know so far is that the score is based on the player’s Level, Battle victories and Health saved over the past few weeks. There appear to be some anomalies so we expect the Scoring algo to change in the future. The next list represents the average Health saved during Battles over the past week.

Lastly you will see a comparison between the number of Battles you have won vs the number you have participated in.


You will also see three lists on the Collector Rankings screen, the first of which is the Collector Ranking Score; currently the score is based on the following calculation:

(Total unique Bestiary entries x 0.5) + (Number of 5/5 Gold Creatures in the Bestiary x 0.3) + ((Number of 5/5 Gold Creatures max powered up to the player’s Level) x 0.2)).

As this is all new the Scoring algo could change in the future.

The next list is a comparison of the number of maxed 5/5 Gold Creatures vs the Total number of 5/5 Gold Creatures.

Lastly you will see the total number of unique Creature entries in the Bestiary.

Rankings Explained