
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 94.6 0.86 12,5
Nature’s Shadow 96.6 0.70 15,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Crash 174.0 1.8 33
Poisonous Puddle 219.9 2.2 50
Acid 339.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Whip 54.7 0.55 15,2
Star 79.1 0.66 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Napalm 171.9 1.8 33
Lava 185.8 2.2 50
Fountain of Fire 266.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 71.4 0.79 11,8
Living Flame 66.8 0.98 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 133.6 1.8 33
Ascension 147.3 2.2 50
Scorching 196.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 84.6 0.72 14,9
Splash 93.1 0.69 15,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Whirlwind 169.9 1.8 33
Blizzard 183.6 2.2 50
Reign of Ice 332.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 90.2 0.86 12,5
Nature’s Shadow 92.1 0.70 15,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Crash 165.9 1.8 33
Poisonous Puddle 209.7 2.2 50
Acid 324.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tree Ghost 44.5 0.85 13,8
Spirit of Forest 31.2 1.07 17,0
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Crash 68.0 1.8 33
Explosion 73.4 2.2 50
Acid 132.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sea Hammer 89.0 0.99 12,8
Rainfall 108.0 1.05 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Whirlwind 165.9 1.8 33
Icy Blast 209.7 2.2 50
Reign of Ice 324.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sea Hammer 89.0 0.99 12,8
Rainfall 108.0 1.05 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Whirlwind 165.9 1.8 33
Icy Blast 209.7 2.2 50
Reign of Ice 324.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Katulu’s Call 19.4 0.63 14,5
Wave 25.2 0.72 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 39.5 1.8 33
Freezing 43.6 2.2 50
Crystallization 58.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Eye of Terror 86.2 1.09 13,2
Arcana Cadavra 88.0 1.03 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Curse 174.8 2.2 50
Magical Tempest 195.3 1.8 33
Wrath of Arcana 316.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Arrow of Arcana 23.5 1.05 15,8
Sphere of Peril 34.4 0.83 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 58.5 1.8 33
Disintegration 64.5 2.2 50
Ionization 86.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Electric Shock 73.8 1.10 15,9
Waft 88.0 0.92 15,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Recharging 161.8 1.8 33
Roar of Wind 204.6 2.2 50
Roundabout 316.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Sphere 79.4 1.04 14,9
Flamethrower 76.9 0.84 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Napalm 161.8 1.8 33
Dynocide 204.6 2.2 50
Armageddon 316.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Cinderer 17.7 0.91 13,1
Living Flame 13.0 0.98 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 25.9 1.8 33
Ascension 28.6 2.2 50
Scorching 38.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 80.6 0.72 14,9
Splash 88.7 0.69 15,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Whirlwind 161.8 1.8 33
Icy Blast 204.6 2.2 50
Reign of Ice 316.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Eye of Terror 84.0 1.09 13,2
Arcana Cadavra 85.8 1.03 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Banishment 157.8 1.8 33
Curse 170.5 2.2 50
Wrath of Arcana 308.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Arrow of Arcana 25.0 1.05 15,8
Sphere of Peril 36.6 0.83 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 62.3 1.8 33
Disintegration 68.7 2.2 50
Ionization 91.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Peril 17.7 0.83 16,3
Impericanus 17.7 0.70 17,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Banishment 38.4 1.8 33
Manastorm 48.6 2.2 50
Wrath of Arcana 75.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Electric Shock 71.9 1.10 15,9
Waft 85.8 0.92 15,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Recharging 157.8 1.8 33
Roar of Wind 199.5 2.2 50
Roundabout 308.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Air Sickle 25.8 1.03 11,6
Shock Therapy 33.0 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 48.4 1.8 33
Thunder 53.4 2.2 50
Storm 71.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Sphere 77.4 1.04 14,9
Flamethrower 75.0 0.84 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Napalm 157.8 1.8 33
Dynocide 199.5 2.2 50
Armageddon 308.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 27.4 0.79 11,8
Star 30.1 0.66 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 51.2 1.8 33
Ascension 56.5 2.2 50
Scorching 75.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 11.5 0.79 11,8
Star 12.6 0.66 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 21.5 1.8 33
Ascension 23.7 2.2 50
Scorching 31.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Eye of Terror 81.9 1.09 13,2
Arcana Cadavra 83.6 1.03 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Banishment 153.7 1.8 33
Curse 166.1 2.2 50
Wrath of Arcana 300.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Arrow of Arcana 25.4 1.05 15,8
Eye of Terror 43.1 1.09 13,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 63.2 1.8 33
Disintegration 69.8 2.2 50
Ionization 93.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Clot of Darkness 25.3 0.78 11,5
Sphere of Peril 28.1 0.83 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 47.7 1.8 33
Disintegration 52.7 2.2 50
Ionization 70.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Peril 13.4 0.83 16,3
Arcana Cadavra 15.8 1.03 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Disintegration 25.1 2.2 50
Banishment 29.1 1.8 33
Interdiction 45.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 83.6 0.86 12,5
Nature’s Shadow 85.4 0.70 15,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Crash 153.7 1.8 33
Poisonous Puddle 194.4 2.2 50
Acid 300.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Electric Shock 70.1 1.10 15,9
Waft 83.6 0.92 15,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Recharging 153.7 1.8 33
Roar of Wind 194.4 2.2 50
Roundabout 300.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Sphere 75.4 1.04 14,9
Flamethrower 73.0 0.84 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Napalm 153.7 1.8 33
Dynocide 194.4 2.2 50
Armageddon 300.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 82.5 0.86 12,5
Tree Ghost 99.4 0.85 13,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 118.6 1.8 33
Explosion 163.9 2.2 50
Acid 296.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Pebble 48.7 0.70 14,5
Nature’s Shadow 53.9 0.70 15,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Shaking 83.7 2.2 50
Explosion 104.9 2.2 50
Swirl of Stones 150.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tree Ghost 43.7 0.85 13,8
Spirit of Forest 30.7 1.07 17,0
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Crash 66.8 1.8 33
Explosion 72.1 2.2 50
Acid 130.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisoning 10.5 0.70 15,6
Spine Breaker 15.3 1.02 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 25.9 1.8 33
Shaking 28.6 2.2 50
Rift 38.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Coal 76.4 1.01 15,1
Barrage 92.8 0.50 14,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lava 153.9 2.2 50
Napalm 142.4 1.8 33
Armageddon 278.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Star 38.1 0.66 16,2
Barrage 54.0 0.50 14,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Ascension 71.5 2.2 50
Purification 64.8 1.8 33
Fountain of Fire 128.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 26.7 0.79 11,8
Star 29.4 0.66 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 50.0 1.8 33
Ascension 55.1 2.2 50
Scorching 73.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Peril 65.1 0.83 16,3
Impericanus 65.1 0.70 17,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 110.7 1.8 33
Manastorm 179.0 2.2 50
Wrath of Arcana 276.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tentacle of Evil 25.4 0.50 14,9
Eye of Terror 36.1 1.09 13,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 53.0 1.8 33
Disintegration 58.4 2.2 50
Ionization 77.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Clot of Darkness 18.9 0.78 11,5
Eye of Terror 24.3 1.09 13,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 35.7 1.8 33
Disintegration 39.4 2.2 50
Ionization 52.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tentacle of Evil 10.2 0.50 14,9
Sphere of Darkness 13.6 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 21.2 1.8 33
Disintegration 23.4 2.2 50
Ionization 31.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Coal 76.0 1.01 15,1
Barrage 92.2 0.50 14,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lava 153.0 2.2 50
Napalm 141.6 1.8 33
Armageddon 276.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Star 37.2 0.66 16,2
Barrage 52.7 0.50 14,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Ascension 69.8 2.2 50
Purification 63.2 1.8 33
Fountain of Fire 125.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Sphere 33.2 1.04 14,9
Star 31.2 0.66 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Napalm 67.8 1.8 33
Dynocide 85.7 2.2 50
Armageddon 132.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rage of Wind 89.3 0.57 14,1
Dragon’s Sigh 62.3 0.95 17,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 105.9 1.8 33
Roar of Wind 171.4 2.2 50
Roundabout 264.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Air Sickle 33.8 1.03 11,6
Shock Therapy 43.1 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 63.2 1.8 33
Thunder 69.8 2.2 50
Storm 93.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Burster 26.2 0.87 14,2
Ball lightning 33.0 0.80 15,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 53.0 1.8 33
Thunder 58.4 2.2 50
Storm 77.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Peril 61.4 0.83 16,3
Eye of Terror 71.1 1.09 13,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Banishment 133.5 1.8 33
Manastorm 168.8 2.2 50
Wrath of Arcana 260.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Clot of Darkness 36.8 0.78 11,5
Sphere of Darkness 44.7 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 69.6 1.8 33
Disintegration 76.7 2.2 50
Ionization 102.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Peril 32.5 0.83 16,3
Impericanus 32.5 0.70 17,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 55.2 1.8 33
Disintegration 60.9 2.2 50
Interdiction 109.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tentacle of Evil 12.2 0.50 14,9
Sphere of Darkness 16.2 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 25.3 1.8 33
Disintegration 27.9 2.2 50
Ionization 37.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 72.6 0.86 12,5
Tree Ghost 87.5 0.85 13,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 104.3 1.8 33
Explosion 144.2 2.2 50
Swirl of Stones 207.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisonous Spit 36.4 1.10 14,5
Rock 52.2 0.86 12,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 74.9 1.8 33
Shaking 82.7 2.2 50
Rift 110.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rage of Wind 88.0 0.57 14,1
Dragon’s Sigh 61.4 0.95 17,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 104.3 1.8 33
Roar of Wind 168.8 2.2 50
Roundabout 260.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Air Sickle 37.2 1.03 11,6
Shock Therapy 47.4 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 69.6 1.8 33
Thunder 76.7 2.2 50
Storm 102.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Air Sickle 26.7 1.03 11,6
Shock Therapy 34.0 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 50.0 1.8 33
Thunder 55.1 2.2 50
Storm 73.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 66.5 0.72 14,9
Splash 73.1 0.69 15,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Whirlwind 133.5 1.8 33
Icy Blast 168.8 2.2 50
Reign of Ice 260.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Splash 39.9 0.69 15,2
Wave 36.3 0.72 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 56.9 1.8 33
Whirlwind 72.8 1.8 33
Tsunami 113.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Barrage 84.3 0.50 14,3
Coal 69.4 1.01 15,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Meteors 156.2 1.8 33
Dynocide 163.7 2.2 50
Armageddon 253.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Peril 55.8 0.83 16,3
Eye of Terror 64.6 1.09 13,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Banishment 121.4 1.8 33
Manastorm 153.5 2.2 50
Wrath of Arcana 237.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Arrow of Arcana 23.5 1.05 15,8
Sphere of Peril 34.4 0.83 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 58.5 1.8 33
Disintegration 64.5 2.2 50
Ionization 86.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 66.0 0.86 12,5
Tree Ghost 79.5 0.85 13,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 94.9 1.8 33
Explosion 131.1 2.2 50
Swirl of Stones 188.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tree Ghost 41.1 0.85 13,8
Spirit of Forest 28.8 1.07 17,0
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Crash 62.7 1.8 33
Explosion 67.8 2.2 50
Acid 122.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisoning 12.0 0.70 15,6
Rock 20.5 0.86 12,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 29.4 1.8 33
Shaking 32.4 2.2 50
Rift 43.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 64.6 0.61 12,8
Rage of Wind 80.0 0.57 14,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Recharging 121.4 1.8 33
Roar of Wind 153.5 2.2 50
Roundabout 237.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Burster 31.0 0.87 14,2
Electric Shock 36.5 1.10 15,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 62.6 1.8 33
Thunder 69.1 2.2 50
Storm 92.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Breathing 16.1 0.64 15,5
Shock Therapy 27.0 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 39.7 1.8 33
Thunder 43.8 2.2 50
Storm 58.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Sphere 59.5 1.04 14,9
Living Flame 47.4 0.98 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lava 131.1 2.2 50
Meteors 146.5 1.8 33
Armageddon 237.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Whip 25.5 0.55 15,2
Fire Sphere 39.3 1.04 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 62.6 1.8 33
Ascension 69.1 2.2 50
Scorching 92.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 21.2 0.79 11,8
Cinderer 27.0 0.91 13,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 39.7 1.8 33
Ascension 43.8 2.2 50
Scorching 58.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Water Fist 53.9 0.87 16,3
Hot Spring 54.4 0.91 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 91.7 1.8 33
Blizzard 126.8 2.2 50
Tsunami 182.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shark’s Bite 27.1 0.98 11,8
Wave 32.0 0.72 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 50.3 1.8 33
Freezing 55.5 2.2 50
Crystallization 73.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shark’s Bite 12.8 0.98 11,8
Wave 15.1 0.72 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 23.7 1.8 33
Freezing 26.2 2.2 50
Crystallization 34.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Clot of Darkness 46.5 0.78 11,5
Eye of Terror 59.9 1.09 13,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Banishment 112.5 1.8 33
Disintegration 97.0 2.2 50
Wrath of Arcana 219.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Arrow of Arcana 26.7 1.05 15,8
Eye of Terror 45.2 1.09 13,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 66.4 1.8 33
Disintegration 73.2 2.2 50
Ionization 97.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Clot of Darkness 25.9 0.78 11,5
Sphere of Peril 28.8 0.83 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 49.0 1.8 33
Disintegration 54.1 2.2 50
Ionization 72.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Arrow of Arcana 12.7 1.05 15,8
Eye of Terror 21.5 1.09 13,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 31.6 1.8 33
Disintegration 34.9 2.2 50
Ionization 46.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Nature’s Shadow 60.7 0.70 15,5
Spirit of Forest 50.2 1.07 17,0
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lake of Death 131.8 1.8 33
Poisonous Puddle 138.1 2.2 50
Acid 213.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Splash 57.6 0.69 15,2
Rainfall 68.5 1.05 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Cold Fury 126.9 1.8 33
Icy Blast 133.0 2.2 50
Reign of Ice 205.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Pebble 50.8 0.70 14,5
Nature’s Shadow 56.2 0.70 15,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Shaking 87.2 2.2 50
Explosion 109.3 2.2 50
Swirl of Stones 156.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisoning 19.3 0.70 15,6
Spine Breaker 27.9 1.02 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 47.4 1.8 33
Shaking 52.3 2.2 50
Rift 69.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisoning 16.1 0.70 15,6
Rock 27.6 0.86 12,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 39.7 1.8 33
Shaking 43.8 2.2 50
Rift 58.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 53.9 0.61 12,8
Rage of Wind 66.7 0.57 14,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Recharging 101.1 1.8 33
Roar of Wind 127.9 2.2 50
Roundabout 197.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Burster 25.8 0.87 14,2
Ball lightning 32.5 0.80 15,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 52.2 1.8 33
Thunder 57.5 2.2 50
Storm 76.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Breathing 16.7 0.64 15,5
Shock Therapy 28.0 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 41.1 1.8 33
Thunder 45.3 2.2 50
Storm 60.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Whip 32.2 0.55 15,2
Fire Sphere 49.6 1.04 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 79.1 1.8 33
Ascension 87.2 2.2 50
Scorching 116.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Cinderer 29.0 0.91 13,1
Barrage 35.4 0.50 14,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 42.5 1.8 33
Ascension 46.9 2.2 50
Fountain of Fire 84.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Clot of Darkness 40.2 0.78 11,5
Eye of Terror 51.7 1.09 13,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Banishment 97.1 1.8 33
Disintegration 83.7 2.2 50
Wrath of Arcana 189.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Clot of Darkness 20.4 0.78 11,5
Eye of Terror 26.3 1.09 13,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 38.6 1.8 33
Disintegration 42.5 2.2 50
Ionization 56.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tentacle of Evil 8.5 0.50 14,9
Sphere of Darkness 11.4 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 17.7 1.8 33
Disintegration 19.5 2.2 50
Ionization 26.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisonous Spit 35.3 1.10 14,5
Rock 50.6 0.86 12,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 72.7 1.8 33
Shaking 80.2 2.2 50
Rift 107.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisoning 19.0 0.70 15,6
Spine Breaker 27.5 1.02 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 46.8 1.8 33
Shaking 51.6 2.2 50
Rift 68.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 16.1 0.86 12,5
Tree Ghost 19.3 0.85 13,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Shaking 25.5 2.2 50
Rumble 23.1 1.8 33
Swirl of Stones 45.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 49.6 0.61 12,8
Rage of Wind 61.3 0.57 14,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 72.7 1.8 33
X-Rays 100.5 2.2 50
Goosebumps 144.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Breathing 17.0 0.64 15,5
Shock Therapy 28.4 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 41.7 1.8 33
Thunder 46.0 2.2 50
Storm 61.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 48.5 0.61 12,8
Rage of Wind 60.0 0.57 14,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 71.1 1.8 33
X-Rays 98.3 2.2 50
Goosebumps 141.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Air Sickle 25.7 1.03 11,6
Shock Therapy 32.7 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 48.1 1.8 33
Thunder 53.0 2.2 50
Storm 70.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Burster 12.8 0.87 14,2
Shock Therapy 17.7 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 25.9 1.8 33
Thunder 28.6 2.2 50
Storm 38.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 47.4 0.61 12,8
Rage of Wind 58.7 0.57 14,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 69.6 1.8 33
X-Rays 96.2 2.2 50
Goosebumps 138.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Electric Shock 25.2 1.10 15,9
Dragon’s Sigh 25.4 0.95 17,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Thunder 47.6 2.2 50
Recharging 55.2 1.8 33
Roundabout 107.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Whip 28.3 0.55 15,2
Fire Sphere 43.6 1.04 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 69.6 1.8 33
Ascension 76.7 2.2 50
Scorching 102.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Cinderer 29.4 0.91 13,1
Barrage 36.0 0.50 14,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 43.2 1.8 33
Ascension 47.6 2.2 50
Fountain of Fire 85.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Water Fist 40.9 0.87 16,3
Hot Spring 41.3 0.91 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 69.6 1.8 33
Blizzard 96.2 2.2 50
Tsunami 138.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Splash 38.7 0.69 15,2
Wave 35.2 0.72 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 55.2 1.8 33
Whirlwind 70.6 1.8 33
Tsunami 109.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shark’s Bite 15.9 0.98 11,8
Wave 18.7 0.72 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 29.4 1.8 33
Freezing 32.4 2.2 50
Crystallization 43.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Breathing 27.7 0.64 15,5
Shock Therapy 46.3 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 68.0 1.8 33
Thunder 75.0 2.2 50
Storm 100.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Electric Shock 27.3 1.10 15,9
Rage of Wind 39.5 0.57 14,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Thunder 51.6 2.2 50
Lightning 46.8 1.8 33
Goosebumps 92.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Breathing 8.6 0.64 15,5
Ball lightning 13.2 0.80 15,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 21.2 1.8 33
Thunder 23.4 2.2 50
Storm 31.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 36.3 0.79 11,8
Fire Sphere 42.7 1.04 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 68.0 1.8 33
Ascension 75.0 2.2 50
Scorching 100.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Star 27.5 0.66 16,2
Living Flame 23.4 0.98 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 46.8 1.8 33
Ascension 51.6 2.2 50
Scorching 68.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 11.3 0.79 11,8
Star 12.5 0.66 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 21.2 1.8 33
Ascension 23.4 2.2 50
Scorching 31.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Splash 47.7 0.69 15,2
Wave 43.3 0.72 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Freezing 75.0 2.2 50
Glaciation 68.0 1.8 33
Tsunami 135.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Horror from the Depths 22.1 0.81 15,6
Water Fist 31.2 0.87 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 53.0 1.8 33
Freezing 58.4 2.2 50
Crystallization 77.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 20.2 0.72 14,9
Sea Hammer 21.7 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Blizzard 43.7 2.2 50
Cold Fury 48.8 1.8 33
Reign of Ice 79.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 40.3 0.72 14,9
Rainfall 52.7 1.05 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Whirlwind 80.9 1.8 33
Blizzard 87.4 2.2 50
Reign of Ice 158.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shark’s Bite 25.7 0.98 11,8
Wave 30.4 0.72 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 47.7 1.8 33
Freezing 52.7 2.2 50
Crystallization 70.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Katulu’s Call 17.5 0.63 14,5
Wave 22.8 0.72 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 35.7 1.8 33
Freezing 39.4 2.2 50
Crystallization 52.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Darkness 40.2 0.65 15,3
Impericanus 36.8 0.70 17,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Disintegration 69.1 2.2 50
Banishment 80.1 1.8 33
Interdiction 124.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Eye of Terror 31.9 1.09 13,2
Arcana Cadavra 32.6 1.03 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Disintegration 51.6 2.2 50
Magical Tempest 72.3 1.8 33
Wrath of Arcana 117.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sea Hammer 43.0 0.99 12,8
Rainfall 52.2 1.05 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Freezing 69.1 2.2 50
Blizzard 86.5 2.2 50
Tsunami 124.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Splash 32.8 0.69 15,2
Sea Hammer 32.1 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 46.8 1.8 33
Blizzard 64.7 2.2 50
Tsunami 92.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Snake’s Tooth 33.5 0.91 12,2
Rock 42.9 0.86 12,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 61.7 1.8 33
Shaking 68.0 2.2 50
Rift 90.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Arrow of Arcana 24.5 1.05 15,8
Sphere of Darkness 39.2 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 61.0 1.8 33
Disintegration 67.3 2.2 50
Ionization 89.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Peril 18.2 0.83 16,3
Impericanus 18.2 0.70 17,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Banishment 39.6 1.8 33
Manastorm 50.1 2.2 50
Wrath of Arcana 77.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 41.2 0.61 12,8
Rage of Wind 50.9 0.57 14,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 60.4 1.8 33
Recharging 77.3 1.8 33
Goosebumps 119.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Air Sickle 18.8 1.03 11,6
Ball lightning 21.9 0.80 15,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 35.1 1.8 33
Thunder 38.7 2.2 50
Storm 51.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 13.1 0.61 12,8
Waft 13.4 0.92 15,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Thunder 21.3 2.2 50
Lightning 19.3 1.8 33
Goosebumps 38.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shark’s Bite 32.6 0.98 11,8
Water Fist 35.5 0.87 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 60.4 1.8 33
Freezing 66.6 2.2 50
Crystallization 88.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 21.6 0.72 14,9
Sea Hammer 23.2 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Blizzard 46.8 2.2 50
Cold Fury 52.2 1.8 33
Reign of Ice 84.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Arrow of Arcana 24.1 1.05 15,8
Sphere of Darkness 38.6 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 60.1 1.8 33
Disintegration 66.3 2.2 50
Ionization 88.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tentacle of Evil 20.7 0.50 14,9
Sphere of Peril 25.4 0.83 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 43.2 1.8 33
Disintegration 47.6 2.2 50
Ionization 63.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 40.9 0.61 12,8
Rage of Wind 50.7 0.57 14,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 60.1 1.8 33
Recharging 76.9 1.8 33
Goosebumps 119.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Air Sickle 25.5 1.03 11,6
Shock Therapy 32.5 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 47.7 1.8 33
Thunder 52.7 2.2 50
Storm 70.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Burster 12.7 0.87 14,2
Shock Therapy 17.5 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 25.6 1.8 33
Thunder 28.2 2.2 50
Storm 37.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Star 35.3 0.66 16,2
Barrage 50.1 0.50 14,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 60.1 1.8 33
Ascension 66.3 2.2 50
Fountain of Fire 119.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 25.5 0.79 11,8
Star 28.1 0.66 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 47.7 1.8 33
Ascension 52.7 2.2 50
Scorching 70.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Cinderer 17.5 0.91 13,1
Living Flame 12.8 0.98 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 25.6 1.8 33
Ascension 28.2 2.2 50
Scorching 37.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shark’s Bite 32.4 0.98 11,8
Water Fist 35.3 0.87 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 60.1 1.8 33
Freezing 66.3 2.2 50
Crystallization 88.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Katulu’s Call 21.2 0.63 14,5
Sea Hammer 29.6 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 43.2 1.8 33
Freezing 47.6 2.2 50
Crystallization 63.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Arrow of Arcana 23.9 1.05 15,8
Sphere of Darkness 38.2 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 59.4 1.8 33
Disintegration 65.6 2.2 50
Ionization 87.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tentacle of Evil 8.7 0.50 14,9
Sphere of Darkness 11.6 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 18.0 1.8 33
Disintegration 19.9 2.2 50
Ionization 26.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 39.9 0.61 12,8
Dragon’s Sigh 34.4 0.95 17,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 58.5 1.8 33
Thunder 64.5 2.2 50
Goosebumps 116.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 17.2 0.61 12,8
Rage of Wind 21.3 0.57 14,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
X-Rays 35.0 2.2 50
Tornado 39.1 1.8 33
Roundabout 63.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Cinderer 39.9 0.91 13,1
Living Flame 29.2 0.98 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 58.5 1.8 33
Ascension 64.5 2.2 50
Scorching 86.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Sphere 15.9 1.04 14,9
Flamethrower 15.4 0.84 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Ascension 27.9 2.2 50
Napalm 32.4 1.8 33
Fountain of Fire 50.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 37.3 0.72 14,9
Rainfall 48.7 1.05 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Freezing 64.5 2.2 50
Glaciation 58.5 1.8 33
Tsunami 116.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shark’s Bite 21.4 0.98 11,8
Water Fist 23.3 0.87 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 39.7 1.8 33
Freezing 43.8 2.2 50
Crystallization 58.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Katulu’s Call 10.4 0.63 14,5
Sea Hammer 14.5 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 21.2 1.8 33
Freezing 23.4 2.2 50
Crystallization 31.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 30.7 0.79 11,8
Cinderer 39.2 0.91 13,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 57.5 1.8 33
Ascension 63.5 2.2 50
Scorching 84.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Cinderer 19.6 0.91 13,1
Living Flame 14.4 0.98 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 28.8 1.8 33
Ascension 31.7 2.2 50
Scorching 42.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 36.5 0.72 14,9
Rainfall 47.7 1.05 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Freezing 63.1 2.2 50
Glaciation 57.2 1.8 33
Tsunami 113.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 22.6 0.72 14,9
Sea Hammer 24.3 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Blizzard 49.0 2.2 50
Cold Fury 54.7 1.8 33
Reign of Ice 88.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Darkness 36.5 0.65 15,3
Arcana Cadavra 39.6 1.03 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 56.9 1.8 33
Disintegration 62.8 2.2 50
Interdiction 113.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Darkness 19.5 0.65 15,3
Cruciarcus 25.4 0.80 14,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Disintegration 33.5 2.2 50
Atomization 30.4 1.8 33
Interdiction 60.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisonous Spit 27.6 1.10 14,5
Rock 39.6 0.86 12,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 56.9 1.8 33
Shaking 62.8 2.2 50
Rift 83.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisoning 19.0 0.70 15,6
Spine Breaker 27.4 1.02 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 46.6 1.8 33
Shaking 51.4 2.2 50
Rift 68.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 24.9 0.86 12,5
Nature’s Shadow 25.4 0.70 15,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Shaking 39.4 2.2 50
Explosion 49.4 2.2 50
Swirl of Stones 70.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Cinderer 38.2 0.91 13,1
Fire Whip 22.8 0.55 15,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 56.1 1.8 33
Ascension 61.9 2.2 50
Scorching 82.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisonous Spit 26.9 1.10 14,5
Rock 38.5 0.86 12,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 55.3 1.8 33
Shaking 61.0 2.2 50
Rift 81.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 31.3 0.86 12,5
Spirit of Forest 26.4 1.07 17,0
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 44.9 1.8 33
Shaking 49.5 2.2 50
Swirl of Stones 89.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Burster 27.3 0.87 14,2
Electric Shock 32.2 1.10 15,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 55.2 1.8 33
Thunder 60.9 2.2 50
Storm 81.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Air Sickle 19.1 1.03 11,6
Ball lightning 22.2 0.80 15,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 35.7 1.8 33
Thunder 39.4 2.2 50
Storm 52.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 11.8 0.61 12,8
Waft 12.1 0.92 15,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Thunder 19.2 2.2 50
Lightning 17.4 1.8 33
Goosebumps 34.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 29.5 0.79 11,8
Cinderer 37.6 0.91 13,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 55.2 1.8 33
Ascension 60.9 2.2 50
Scorching 81.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Sphere 22.4 1.04 14,9
Flamethrower 21.7 0.84 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 35.7 1.8 33
Ascension 39.4 2.2 50
Fountain of Fire 70.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 9.3 0.79 11,8
Fire Sphere 10.9 1.04 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 17.4 1.8 33
Ascension 19.2 2.2 50
Scorching 25.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Horror from the Depths 22.8 0.81 15,6
Water Fist 32.2 0.87 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 54.7 1.8 33
Freezing 60.3 2.2 50
Crystallization 80.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shark’s Bite 22.2 0.98 11,8
Water Fist 24.2 0.87 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 41.1 1.8 33
Freezing 45.3 2.2 50
Crystallization 60.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Horror from the Depths 22.7 0.81 15,6
Water Fist 32.0 0.87 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 54.4 1.8 33
Freezing 60.0 2.2 50
Crystallization 80.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 21.4 0.72 14,9
Sea Hammer 23.0 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Blizzard 46.3 2.2 50
Cold Fury 51.8 1.8 33
Reign of Ice 83.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Katulu’s Call 10.5 0.63 14,5
Sea Hammer 14.8 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 21.5 1.8 33
Freezing 23.7 2.2 50
Crystallization 31.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Burster 26.8 0.87 14,2
Electric Shock 31.5 1.10 15,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 54.1 1.8 33
Thunder 59.6 2.2 50
Storm 79.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Air Sickle 16.0 1.03 11,6
Ball lightning 18.6 0.80 15,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 29.9 1.8 33
Thunder 33.0 2.2 50
Storm 43.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisoning 21.9 0.70 15,6
Spine Breaker 31.6 1.02 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 53.8 1.8 33
Shaking 59.3 2.2 50
Rift 79.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 17.6 0.86 12,5
Tree Ghost 21.2 0.85 13,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Shaking 27.9 2.2 50
Rumble 25.3 1.8 33
Swirl of Stones 50.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 12.1 0.86 12,5
Nature’s Shadow 12.4 0.70 15,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Shaking 19.2 2.2 50
Rumble 17.4 1.8 33
Swirl of Stones 34.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Horror from the Depths 22.4 0.81 15,6
Water Fist 31.6 0.87 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 53.8 1.8 33
Freezing 59.3 2.2 50
Crystallization 79.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 21.6 0.72 14,9
Sea Hammer 23.2 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Blizzard 46.8 2.2 50
Cold Fury 52.2 1.8 33
Reign of Ice 84.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 11.7 0.72 14,9
Hot Spring 10.9 0.91 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Freezing 20.2 2.2 50
Glaciation 18.3 1.8 33
Tsunami 36.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Darkness 33.3 0.65 15,3
Arcana Cadavra 36.1 1.03 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 51.9 1.8 33
Disintegration 57.2 2.2 50
Interdiction 103.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tentacle of Evil 9.4 0.50 14,9
Sphere of Darkness 12.6 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 19.6 1.8 33
Disintegration 21.6 2.2 50
Ionization 28.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Spine Breaker 30.3 1.02 16,2
Nature’s Shadow 36.6 0.70 15,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Shaking 56.8 2.2 50
Explosion 71.2 2.2 50
Swirl of Stones 102.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisoning 10.4 0.70 15,6
Spine Breaker 15.1 1.02 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 25.6 1.8 33
Shaking 28.2 2.2 50
Rift 37.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisoning 6.7 0.70 15,6
Rock 11.4 0.86 12,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 16.4 1.8 33
Shaking 18.1 2.2 50
Rift 24.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Darkness 32.9 0.65 15,3
Arcana Cadavra 35.7 1.03 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 51.2 1.8 33
Disintegration 56.5 2.2 50
Interdiction 101.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tentacle of Evil 10.3 0.50 14,9
Sphere of Darkness 13.8 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 21.5 1.8 33
Disintegration 23.7 2.2 50
Ionization 31.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisonous Spit 24.9 1.10 14,5
Rock 35.7 0.86 12,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 51.2 1.8 33
Shaking 56.5 2.2 50
Rift 75.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 17.2 0.86 12,5
Tree Ghost 20.7 0.85 13,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Shaking 27.2 2.2 50
Rumble 24.7 1.8 33
Swirl of Stones 49.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisonous Spit 24.6 1.10 14,5
Rock 35.2 0.86 12,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 50.6 1.8 33
Shaking 55.8 2.2 50
Rift 74.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Snake’s Tooth 23.5 0.91 12,2
Spine Breaker 25.4 1.02 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 43.2 1.8 33
Shaking 47.6 2.2 50
Rift 63.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Snake’s Tooth 11.5 0.91 12,2
Pebble 13.6 0.70 14,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 21.2 1.8 33
Shaking 23.4 2.2 50
Rift 31.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisonous Spit 24.2 1.10 14,5
Spine Breaker 29.4 1.02 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 50.0 1.8 33
Shaking 55.1 2.2 50
Rift 73.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Snake’s Tooth 17.2 0.91 12,2
Rock 22.0 0.86 12,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 31.6 1.8 33
Shaking 34.9 2.2 50
Rift 46.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisonous Spit 23.3 1.10 14,5
Spine Breaker 28.3 1.02 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 48.1 1.8 33
Shaking 53.0 2.2 50
Rift 70.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Snake’s Tooth 12.2 0.91 12,2
Pebble 14.4 0.70 14,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 22.5 1.8 33
Shaking 24.8 2.2 50
Rift 33.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Darkness 30.5 0.65 15,3
Arcana Cadavra 33.0 1.03 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 47.4 1.8 33
Disintegration 52.3 2.2 50
Interdiction 94.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tentacle of Evil 9.1 0.50 14,9
Sphere of Darkness 12.2 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 19.0 1.8 33
Disintegration 20.9 2.2 50
Ionization 27.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Burster 23.5 0.87 14,2
Electric Shock 27.7 1.10 15,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 47.4 1.8 33
Thunder 52.3 2.2 50
Storm 69.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 15.3 0.61 12,8
Rage of Wind 18.9 0.57 14,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Thunder 24.8 2.2 50
Recharging 28.7 1.8 33
Goosebumps 44.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 32.1 0.86 12,5
Spirit of Forest 27.2 1.07 17,0
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 46.2 1.8 33
Shaking 50.9 2.2 50
Swirl of Stones 91.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Snake’s Tooth 11.7 0.91 12,2
Pebble 13.8 0.70 14,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 21.5 1.8 33
Shaking 23.7 2.2 50
Rift 31.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Katulu’s Call 22.6 0.63 14,5
Sea Hammer 31.7 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 46.2 1.8 33
Freezing 50.9 2.2 50
Crystallization 67.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 12.9 0.72 14,9
Hot Spring 12.0 0.91 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Freezing 22.3 2.2 50
Glaciation 20.2 1.8 33
Tsunami 40.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 31.9 0.86 12,5
Spirit of Forest 27.0 1.07 17,0
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 45.8 1.8 33
Shaking 50.6 2.2 50
Swirl of Stones 91.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Snake’s Tooth 12.0 0.91 12,2
Pebble 14.2 0.70 14,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 22.1 1.8 33
Shaking 24.4 2.2 50
Rift 32.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 31.9 0.86 12,5
Spirit of Forest 27.0 1.07 17,0
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 45.8 1.8 33
Shaking 50.6 2.2 50
Swirl of Stones 91.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Rock 14.5 0.86 12,5
Nature’s Shadow 14.8 0.70 15,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Shaking 23.0 2.2 50
Rumble 20.9 1.8 33
Swirl of Stones 41.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 24.5 0.79 11,8
Cinderer 31.2 0.91 13,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 45.8 1.8 33
Ascension 50.6 2.2 50
Scorching 67.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Cinderer 19.6 0.91 13,1
Living Flame 14.4 0.98 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 28.8 1.8 33
Ascension 31.7 2.2 50
Scorching 42.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 10.1 0.79 11,8
Fire Sphere 11.9 1.04 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 19.0 1.8 33
Ascension 20.9 2.2 50
Scorching 27.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Clot of Darkness 23.6 0.78 11,5
Sphere of Peril 26.2 0.83 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 44.6 1.8 33
Disintegration 49.2 2.2 50
Ionization 65.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Electric Shock 25.8 1.10 15,9
Dragon’s Sigh 26.0 0.95 17,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Thunder 48.8 2.2 50
Recharging 56.6 1.8 33
Roundabout 110.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Burster 13.2 0.87 14,2
Shock Therapy 18.1 0.61 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 26.6 1.8 33
Thunder 29.3 2.2 50
Storm 39.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Burster 21.1 0.87 14,2
Electric Shock 24.9 1.10 15,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 42.7 1.8 33
Thunder 47.1 2.2 50
Storm 62.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 15.1 0.61 12,8
Rage of Wind 18.7 0.57 14,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Thunder 24.4 2.2 50
Recharging 28.3 1.8 33
Goosebumps 43.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Darkness 26.6 0.65 15,3
Arcana Cadavra 28.8 1.03 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 41.4 1.8 33
Disintegration 45.7 2.2 50
Interdiction 82.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tentacle of Evil 9.0 0.50 14,9
Sphere of Darkness 12.0 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 18.7 1.8 33
Disintegration 20.6 2.2 50
Ionization 27.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 22.0 0.79 11,8
Cinderer 28.0 0.91 13,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 41.1 1.8 33
Ascension 45.3 2.2 50
Scorching 60.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Cinderer 11.2 0.91 13,1
Flamethrower 10.0 0.84 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 16.4 1.8 33
Ascension 18.1 2.2 50
Fountain of Fire 32.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 21.6 0.79 11,8
Cinderer 27.6 0.91 13,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 40.5 1.8 33
Ascension 44.6 2.2 50
Scorching 59.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Palm of Fire 11.0 0.79 11,8
Fire Sphere 12.9 1.04 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 20.6 1.8 33
Ascension 22.7 2.2 50
Scorching 30.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Darkness 25.5 0.65 15,3
Arcana Cadavra 27.6 1.03 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 39.7 1.8 33
Disintegration 43.8 2.2 50
Interdiction 78.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Peril 15.1 0.83 16,3
Impericanus 15.1 0.70 17,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Banishment 32.8 1.8 33
Manastorm 41.4 2.2 50
Wrath of Arcana 64.0 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Clot of Darkness 8.4 0.78 11,5
Sphere of Darkness 10.2 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 15.8 1.8 33
Disintegration 17.4 2.2 50
Ionization 23.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Burster 18.8 0.87 14,2
Ball lightning 23.6 0.80 15,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 37.9 1.8 33
Thunder 41.9 2.2 50
Storm 55.8 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Coal 22.8 1.01 15,1
Cinderer 22.6 0.91 13,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Napalm 42.5 1.8 33
Lava 45.9 2.2 50
Fountain of Fire 65.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Katulu’s Call 16.1 0.63 14,5
Sea Hammer 22.6 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 32.9 1.8 33
Freezing 36.3 2.2 50
Crystallization 48.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 12.5 0.72 14,9
Hot Spring 11.6 0.91 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Freezing 21.6 2.2 50
Glaciation 19.6 1.8 33
Tsunami 38.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Arrow of Arcana 12.7 1.05 15,8
Eye of Terror 21.5 1.09 13,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 31.6 1.8 33
Disintegration 34.9 2.2 50
Ionization 46.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Tentacle of Evil 8.4 0.50 14,9
Sphere of Darkness 11.2 0.65 15,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Atomization 17.4 1.8 33
Disintegration 19.2 2.2 50
Ionization 25.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Burster 15.7 0.87 14,2
Electric Shock 18.4 1.10 15,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 31.6 1.8 33
Thunder 34.9 2.2 50
Storm 46.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 15.5 0.61 12,8
Rage of Wind 19.2 0.57 14,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Thunder 25.1 2.2 50
Recharging 29.1 1.8 33
Goosebumps 45.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Breathing 6.4 0.64 15,5
Ball lightning 9.8 0.80 15,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 15.8 1.8 33
Thunder 17.4 2.2 50
Storm 23.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Sphere 19.8 1.04 14,9
Living Flame 15.8 0.98 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 31.6 1.8 33
Ascension 34.9 2.2 50
Scorching 46.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Cinderer 15.5 0.91 13,1
Coal 15.6 1.01 15,1
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Ascension 25.1 2.2 50
Purification 22.8 1.8 33
Fountain of Fire 45.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Whip 6.4 0.55 15,2
Fire Sphere 9.9 1.04 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 15.8 1.8 33
Ascension 17.4 2.2 50
Scorching 23.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Sphere of Darkness 18.9 0.65 15,3
Cruciarcus 24.6 0.80 14,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Disintegration 32.4 2.2 50
Atomization 29.4 1.8 33
Interdiction 58.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Eye of Terror 11.2 1.09 13,2
Impericanus 9.7 0.70 17,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Curse 22.7 2.2 50
Magical Tempest 25.4 1.8 33
Wrath of Arcana 41.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Electric Shock 17.2 1.10 15,9
Dragon’s Sigh 17.3 0.95 17,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Thunder 32.4 2.2 50
X-Rays 40.7 2.2 50
Goosebumps 58.4 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 11.2 0.61 12,8
Waft 11.4 0.92 15,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Lightning 16.4 1.8 33
Thunder 18.1 2.2 50
Goosebumps 32.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Fire Sphere 18.5 1.04 14,9
Living Flame 14.7 0.98 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 29.4 1.8 33
Ascension 32.4 2.2 50
Scorching 43.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Cinderer 11.2 0.91 13,1
Flamethrower 10.0 0.84 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Purification 16.4 1.8 33
Ascension 18.1 2.2 50
Fountain of Fire 32.6 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Electric Shock 16.8 1.10 15,9
Dragon’s Sigh 16.9 0.95 17,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Thunder 31.7 2.2 50
X-Rays 39.8 2.2 50
Goosebumps 57.1 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Shock Therapy 13.4 0.61 12,8
Waft 13.6 0.92 15,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Thunder 21.6 2.2 50
Lightning 19.6 1.8 33
Goosebumps 38.9 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Katulu’s Call 12.6 0.63 14,5
Sea Hammer 17.6 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 25.6 1.8 33
Freezing 28.2 2.2 50
Crystallization 37.7 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Wave 11.1 0.72 14,9
Hot Spring 10.3 0.91 17,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Freezing 19.2 2.2 50
Glaciation 17.4 1.8 33
Tsunami 34.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Splash 17.7 0.69 15,2
Rainfall 21.1 1.05 14,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Blizzard 35.0 2.2 50
Whirlwind 32.4 1.8 33
Reign of Ice 63.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Katulu’s Call 8.1 0.63 14,5
Sea Hammer 11.3 0.99 12,8
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 16.4 1.8 33
Freezing 18.1 2.2 50
Crystallization 24.2 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisonous Spit 11.0 1.10 14,5
Rock 15.8 0.86 12,5
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 22.8 1.8 33
Shaking 25.1 2.2 50
Rift 33.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Poisoning 6.4 0.70 15,6
Spine Breaker 9.3 1.02 16,2
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Rumble 15.8 1.8 33
Shaking 17.4 2.2 50
Rift 23.3 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Katulu’s Call 11.2 0.63 14,5
Water Fist 13.4 0.87 16,3
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 22.8 1.8 33
Freezing 25.1 2.2 50
Crystallization 33.5 2.5 100
Quick Move DPS Time EPS
Katulu’s Call 7.8 0.63 14,5
Wave 10.1 0.72 14,9
Charge Move DPS Time Energy
Glaciation 15.8 1.8 33
Freezing 17.4 2.2 50
Crystallization 23.3 2.5 100