Spell Listing

Long Hands

Long Hands

Increases your vision range by 25% for 7 days. This affects not only your ability to encounter Creatures but also Chests, and means you do not have to get so close to Pillars, Arenas, Libraries, Portals and of course Mother's of Dragon.

Rift of Arcana

Rift of Arcana

Increases your vision range by 25% for 7 days. Creates a Portal to the Rift of Arcana with a guaranteed Mother of Dragons. The Portal (and hence Rift) last randomly from a few hours to over 12 hours.

Gift of the Golden Dragon

Gift of the Golden Dragon

The number of Rewards dropping from Pillars is doubled for 30 minutes.

Field of Abundance

Field of Abundance

Creates your own concentrated Field of Pillars of Abundance - The number of Pillars ranges but appears to average 12 to 15. Pillars last for 30 minutes. Great in combination with Gift of the Golden Dragon if you are short of items in your bag!

Blessing for Defense

Blessing for Defense

Use this to provide protection to the nearest Arena of your allegiance (colour) fom enemy attacks for the next 3 days.

Purification by Fire

Purification by Fire

Use this wisely - it will affect all Arenas within your visible range. All Arenas will be turned neutral (yellow) or will lose their Blessing of Defence if they have it in place.

Tower of Arcana

Tower of Arcana

Creates a magical Tower that attracts creatures of the Arcana Element for 30 minutes. Expect one Creature every two minutes approximately.

Tower of Earth

Tower of Earth

Creates a magical Tower that attracts creatures of the Earth Element for 30 minutes. Expect one Creature every two minutes approximately.

Tower of Fire

Tower of Fire

Creates a magical Tower that attracts creatures of the Fire Element for 30 minutes. Expect one Creature every two minutes approximately.

Tower of water

Tower of water

Creates a magical Tower that attracts creatures of the Water Element for 30 minutes. Expect one Creature every two minutes approximately.

Tower of Wind

Tower of Wind

Creates a magical Tower that attracts creatures of the Wind Element for 30 minutes. Expect one Creature every two minutes approximately.